Agenda: Battle Creek City Commission
Meeting Type:Workshop
Meeting Date:March 21, 2017
Location:City Hall Commission Chambers - 5:30 pm
Chair:Mayor David A. Walters
City Commission

Discuss Animal Ordinance and Urban Farm Animals
PUBLIC COMMENT - Limited to three Minutes per Individual

Citizens who wish to address a specific issue on the floor may do so after being recognized by the Mayor or presiding Commissioner. At the time for general public comments, after being properly recognized, citizens may address the commission on any subject within the control and jurisdiction of the City of Battle Creek. Citizens will be subject to the following summarized limitations, which are set out fully in ordinance 212.02, Art XVII:


1. Citizen comments on any Resolution before the Commission may be made either before or after the Commissioners have had an opportunity to discuss the Resolution, at the discretion of the Chair;


2. Citizens wishing to speak to a particular Resolution should raise their hands and wait to be recognized before speaking;


3. Before speaking, an individual who has not filled out a comment card disclosing this information, shall identify themselves by name and address and, if appropriate, group affiliation for the record.


4. Citizens will confine their remarks to matters currently pending on the floor, and be brief and concise in making their remarks;


5. If a citizen becomes repetitive or, in the opinion of the Chair, takes an inordinate amount of time in making comments, that citizen will be ruled out of order and the Commission will continue with its business;


6. Citizens should address all remarks to the Commission as a whole, and not to individual Commissioners.

These Rules will apply to comments by citizens during the Public Comment section of the Agenda.

The City of Battle Creek will provide necessary, reasonable, auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired, and audiotapes of printed materials being considered in the meeting, upon seven days' notice to the City of Battle Creek. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, should contact the City of Battle Creek by writing or calling the following:

Victoria Houser
Office of the City Clerk
Post Office Box 1717
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016
269/966-3348 (Voice)
269/966-3348 (TDD)